Sunday, September 29, 2013

An Eventful Month

The month of September has been very busy for us. Everything from switching gymnastic gyms, birthday parties, to baby showers, to getting ready to participate at a consignment sale, to a new niece being born, to Elias' baby dedication at church today, we have been on the run constantly. I like staying busy, however, the time tends to pass at a much more frenetic pace and when things settle down and I can take a breath, I notice that my children are that much older...which is bittersweet.

Christian was taking gymnastics at ASI, which is an awesome gym and one I will probably start Elias at as well when he gets older. At the end of August his coach at ASI told us he needed to move to an advanced class because of his age. Because he has been at ASI since before he turned two years old, I did not want to move to another gym. Logically it worked best to put him in another class at ASI. It would be the first class on his own; without parent participation. So, I started looking. Every class was full. I was pretty disappointed because, as a creature of habit I did not want to look elsewhere. However, ASI is about 30 minutes away from where we live, and with rush hour traffic it easily would take us an hour to make it out to his gym, so I did some online research and found Empire which is only 10 minutes away. Christian attended a trial class and loved it, and I was pretty impressed with the facility, the drive of the teachers and gymnasts, and the fact that there were a lot of serious male gymnasts, so we made the switch. Christian has attended 3 classes so far and I have definitely seen an improvement in his skill set and motivation.

On September 7, my sister Triana and I threw my sister Nadia a baby shower, which turned out super cute and fun.

I actually got this idea from pinterest and thought it was SUPER cute. I really wanted to do a more original baby shower with a vintage feel.

Everything turned out so cute, and we had so much fun :)

And just a few weeks later, Sofia made her debut 2 weeks ahead of schedule! Nadia and Vhee are very happy parents, and Sofia is healthy and adorable.

Today was Elias' baby dedication at church, but I will save that post for another day :) .

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Especially the one of the 3 of us :)


My Family

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