Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The moments I live for...

My children are making me old. I don't necessarily mean they are aging me, or they make me feel old by all the wear and tear my body goes through while parenting, (running after Christian, playing with them, swinging them around, lifting them, etc...) but rather that time seems to pass by at breakneck speed. The days run together in one beautiful, messy, and delicious mixture that is both gratifying and bittersweet. I look at pictures from even 3 months ago and can't believe that Elias is so much older, so much bigger, and so changed. A year ago Christian had a delightful way of speaking that would make Mark and I laugh. Example: "Mommy, I like these shoes. No". It was his way of telling us whether he liked or disliked something. So precious.

Because time is swiftly taking flight, I try to be extra cognizant of the time I have right now with my family. I try to savor every moment (yes, even the tantrums!) because I know that even in a couple of months, next year, two years...everything will be different and we will be making new memories; ones that evolve over time with the changing of seasons and the aging of the kids. However, as much as I dislike time going by so fast and the fact that Christian and Elias are growing up so quickly, I am eternally grateful every day that I have with them. Every day is a gift, and I try to appreciate every moment.

Moments I live for right now:

*When I come back from the grocery (or wherever) and Christian runs up to give me a hug and says "Mommy, you're back!"

*When I put Elias down in the crib in our room after his last feeding (still don't want to put him in his own room! I know I will need to soon) and he is still awake, how he immediately rolls over onto his stomach and cranes his neck as far up as it will go to look at me and smile.

*When Christian asks me, "Can Christmas PLEASE be here now?"

*When Christian sings to Elias the little song we have made up for him.

*The sound of Elias' infectious giggle as he is being tickled.

*The way Elias watches every move Christian makes when he sees him.

These are just some of the moments that make everything worth it.

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