Whew, its been awhile!
I take these blog breaks usually when major negative life events transpire. It's as though the inspiration, creativity, and passion leave for a bit. Like what happened the middle and latter part of 2016 when two very close people to me passed away. It is like living in a fog where there doesn't seem to be an end or a light at the end of the tunnel. I live life day by day just trying to get through it…not really thinking about anything and generally feeling numb. trying to piece a new normal back into my life. It's getting there, but very slowly. Sometimes its like everything is fine, then wham! the bandaid is ripped off and a new layer of grief begins, I have come to appreciate (as much as I also hate) these jolts of reality, because they tell me I am still capable of feeling deeply. They are a reminder of love.
In other news, the boys are growing up so fast, and, like most of my other blog posts, I try to cherish each new event and milestone in their lives. I am so proud of the children they are and are growing up to be. Sometimes I just want to slow down time and savor it all…these are the days I will yearn one day to return to.
I tell my story better in pictures, so here are a few of what we've been up to lately. :)
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