Friday, May 13, 2011


This week has been exhausting. Crazy days at work, studying until my eyes cross for final exams, Mark getting sick, then getting sick myself, ruining my laptop so I had to go and buy a new one (which I am still mad at myself was like throwing money away)...and that is just some of the craziness. I am so relieved that the weekend is here...and all my finals are complete. Maybe I can concentrate on some projects I have wanted to start before the summer session starts for school. In the midst of all the busyness, I was encouraged by my sister Nadia who has inspired me by her blog post about her favorite things. Its nice to step away from the crazy busyness of life and remember the many things that brighten my life :).

Here are a few of my (many) favorite things:

My cute, wonderful husband
The Mr Mr
vintage clothing and household items
reading a good book
beautiful architecture
praise music
certain scented candles

What are some of your favorite things? :) Have a great weekend!


  1. I like your blog and the music. Congrats on finishing another semester. Amy was glad to have hers done. She got four A's again so has a 4.0 for both semesters. She is taking an online class this summer. I hope yours is to so you at least want have to squeeze in more hours out of your life to get to a class. I'm really proud of you young women working, taking care of a family and going to college too. I did that a few times myself and know how completely demanding it is to get it all done. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Love your blog site, you did a really good job. Aunt Fran

  2. Awesome list!! I just now am able to post on this since I was working these past few nights. Love this! Get better soon :)

  3. Did I ever ask you what you're going back to school for? and proud of you for doing that! You're amazing!


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