Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brightens my day

Recently my days have been so crazy-over-the-top-rushing around-whirlwind-can't-get-my-mind-straight kind of days. I come home from working full time to play with my little Mr; later in the evening we have our nightly bedtime routine-bath, pj's, book reading, and rocking (I LOVE the way he puts his head down on my chest with his sweet little arms hugging my neck, playing with my hair :)), then he goes down to bed. Mark and I prepare and eat dinner, then I go to work on my MBA classes (usually PILES of homework and projects) before getting ready for bed. Some days are crazier than others, so I am grateful for the little things that help brighten my day such as:

Coming home from having to work late to my husband and the Mr by the window waiting to greet me

Talking on the phone with a fabulous mother-in-law

Checking my grades online to discover that yes, all the work I put into a particularly cumbersome assignment paid off

My husband surprising me by going to Sonic to get my favorite fountain drink

My husband doing a silly dance just to make me laugh :)

A gummy smile

Two silly boys :)

What brightens your day?


  1. Having a wonderful sister in law and getting to see pictures of my sweet little nephew! Can't wait to see you guys. Angi

  2. I'm a ditto of Angi, sort of. Having a wonderful daughter in law and getting to see pictures of my sweet grandson. Also learning so much more about you and sharing the love of my son, his wife and son. Love all of you. Beth


My Family

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