Friday, April 8, 2011

The little things

I have recently come to recognize the beauty of the little things in life. I'm not sure if it has to do with the rate of which life keeps speeding by or the fact that even the smallest of pleasures bring me the greatest joy.

For instance: the joy of helping my little Mr. make a tower of shape blocks

And then watching him knock it down :)

Finding (and buying)the sweetest, softest outfit for the Mr.

The feeling of excitement knowing I got nearly every one of my test questions correct,

The fact that my silly and sweet husband goes promptly to Sonic (after I go into the next room to study) to get me a root beer when I subtly drop a hint for an extreme craving, :)

Finding a cute pair of shoes

My baby's sweet face :)


  1. He is absolutely adorable!!

    I have no children of my own, but I remember when my nephews were little (alas, the youngest is now 23). I miss having little children around.

    You must be a very proud momma! :-)

  2. Thanks Doni :) I am a very proud mommy!!


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