Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful for...

Although I am beyond thankful for so many things, the spirit of Thanksgiving makes me think about everything in my life and just what it is that I am thankful for.

I am very thankful for my wonderful family. I have an amazing husband whom I do not deserve. He treats me like a princess and takes care of all of us. I am thankful for my two wonderful little boys. One is so feisty and full of energy. He brings a smile (several times) to my face every day. The baby boy is so sweet and happy. A true joyful baby who brings us so much happiness. I can't remember how I was ever happy without these three people in my life!

I am thankful that both Mark and I have good jobs and can pay our bills that provide a roof over our heads, good care for the boys, groceries, transportation, and clothes.

I am thankful for good extended families. Both sets have blessed us in more ways than one.

This season always causes me to reflect on the fact that I do have so much to be thankful for. All of life's worries and annoyances seem to melt away when I think about everything I have to be grateful for...but sometimes, I have to force myself to remember these things when I am upset about something or sad for any reason. Perspective. I blogged previously about how perspective is so important and how it helped me that particular day. In fact, I don't believe I have looked at anything quite the same.

I am thankful for a God who omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He knows everything about me and what I truly need. I am thankful that He has my best interests at heart and that I can simply go to Him in prayer and thankfulness. It is truly humbling in a way, that God, in His power would deign to care about me and listen to everything that is on my heart, no matter how trivial. I am very thankful for His grace. Without it, I would be quite wretched indeed; but He came down to Earth and humbled Himself as a man to be a mediator between us and the Father. There is nothing I can do to be worthy of Heaven or to be in his presence but for His grace. Without Him, I would have no hope. I am beyond thankful for His love, not only for me, but for all mankind.

Three of my most precious earthly treasures.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture! Good looking family. I have some cute nephews.


My Family

Certain recent events (both personal and in the news) have reinforced in me to be thankful for what I have. I definitely have been, but i...