Friday, January 24, 2014

Why I Blog

I want to remember.

I want to remember certain feelings and experiences that I have with my children. The experiences I have with my family. Time goes by so fast, like a blink of an eye. I only have so many years with my kids before they are grown, out of the house, and have families of their own. I want to remember how I felt when Christian ran up to me, arms outstretched to give me a hug, and tell me in his sweet baby voice, "I love you Mommy."

I want to remember singing to Elias his special song and lifting him out of the bath, wrapping him in a towel while saying, "snug as a bug in a rug! Snug as a Tadpole in a rug," and see that smile that melts my heart appear across his face as I say it.

I want to remember the times Mark and I share; learning and growing together and we navigate new parenthood and what our relationship means as we continue to learn new insights about one another.

I want to remember the big things as well as the small. I also keep a journal of things to remember about this time and stage in our lives, but having something online ensures that it won't ever be lost or destroyed accidentally.

In short, I want to remember the life that we have right now (and in the future), because despite all the negativity and the doomsday seekers out there, whom it seems wish to focus on the petty aspects of life (mommy wars anyone?), there is so much beauty in the world. When I am upset, down, or prone to focus on negativity, all I have to do is look at my children and husband and know that everything is actually ok because they are in my world.

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