Saturday, October 6, 2018

Academic Night

We attended the kids' school's Academic Night a few weeks ago. Most of the primary school's (minus kindergarten) classrooms had a topic or theme. There was ELA activities, STEM, art, etc. You name it. So much Science which made me very happy. Christian has decided to make STEM his focus this year and is getting very excited about activities and assignments that will be assigned later in the year.

There was also a bounce house where Elias spent a lot of his time (LOL), but Christian, along with one of his best friend went to nearly every room to learn and do the assigned activities...which made for a very happy Mama. :) I couldn't keep that kid at one place for long! He would finish whatever he was supposed to do or learn, and he and his friend would race across to another room. The longest he spent at one room was the Candy Corn math, where he and his friend had math races, supervised by their teacher. She really put them to work!

Anyway, below are some pictures of this night. Enjoy! :)

My Family

Certain recent events (both personal and in the news) have reinforced in me to be thankful for what I have. I definitely have been, but i...