Thursday, October 10, 2013


I think I have found my new addiction. Letterboxing. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't until visiting my favorite scrapbooking website and then I hurried on over to to read more about it. Its amazing! All over North America people letterbox...and I had no idea until a few weeks ago!

Basically, people hide a book, or notebook, or pad of paper or anything that means something to them in an air tight box and leave clues on for others to find and leave their mark. It can be a stamp (what is generally done), or a signature and date, or whatever.

What I did this evening was look up boxes near where we live to find one to stamp. At first I didn't narrow down the dates well enough and was coming up with boxes near us with old dates, such as 2003, 2004, etc. Crazy! This has been going on for years! Well, I finally narrowed it down to boxes recently hidden and found one super close to where we live (won't give it away unless someone else wants to find it!) and the hunt was on! We took our stamp and inkpad and drove to the location of the box. At first Christian and I had a tough time finding it, but then we spotted it:

Christian is small enough to fit in that small opening and had no problem with going in there to drag the box partially out. Needless to say, we both emerged a bit dusty after our sojurn in the dirt. :)

Once I opened it I found a notepad with the team's name on it and when I opened the first page, two other stampers had beat us to it. The box had been hidden September 9, 2013 and we were the third ones to find it!

Christian loved stamping the notebook.

And here is our stamp. We are wanting to start our own letterbox, and in the meantime we will be letterboxing and stamping away. So if you ever come across this particular stamp, you might have found where we've been. :)

Happy Thursday!

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