Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent Live

Tonight we as a family went to our church for the first ever Advent story time/singalong. This is the first time our church has done this and I thought it would be nice to make it a tradition for our family as well. It is a great continuation of the Christmas season for Elias as well as this is his first Christmas.

Everyone sat basically in a circle around the center stage where the husband and wife worship team was leading everyone with our great band. There were couches and comfortable chairs set up everywhere in addition to the regular seating the Worship Center contains.

We sang the classic, beautiful songs such as 'Joy to the World' 'It Came upon a midnight Clear', and 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.' Then a few people would get up in between songs and tell stories of their childhood Christmases. There was a fun 'wheel of Christmas' that in between stories and classic songs would be spun for the kids' christmas songs like 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer', 'Jingle Bells' and 'The 12 Days of Christmas'. These were the songs that the band would not rehearse so those songs were sung amidst much laughter. All in all, it was a very relaxed, comfortable worship time with our church family.

As we were leaving Mark said to me, "that was fun, we should make this a tradition of ours." I think we will :)

Happy day 12!


'Hallelujah! The Master reigns, our God, the Sovereign-Strong! 
Let us celebrate, let us rejoice, let us give him the glory! 
The Marriage of the Lamb has come; his Wife has made herself ready. 
She was given a bridal gown of bright and shining linen. 
The linen is the righteousness of the saints.'

Revelation 19:6


'Christ, by highest heaven adored; 
Christ, my everlasting Lord; 
Late in time behold him come, 
Offspring of the Virgin's womb. 

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; 
Hail the incarnate Deity, 
Pleased as man with man to dwell; 
Jesus, our Emmanuel!

You are the Father whom I adore,
You are the Son forevermore;
You are the Spirit that has been sent.
Blessed Trinity, help me understand Your Advent.'

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