Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Home Depot Christmas and the beginning of Advent

Yesterday, we took a family outing to the Home Depot to get some additional lights for the Christmas tree, lightbulbs, huh? :) I actually love Home Depot which Mark loves because we can go there...often. It turned out fortuitous that we took the kids because in the back of the store there was an activity for the kids to build and Santa was making an appearance.

Christian was pretty stoked that he got his own personalized Home Depot apron. As we were leaving he excitedly told an employee "I have the same clothes as you!"

Mark helped Christian put together a mini toolbox. It was fun to see them working together gluing and hammering the toolbox.

Painting the toolbox.

The finished product.

And if you were wondering what I was doing (besides taking pictures) and where Elias was, here is your answer :)

I am excited about starting the Advent Season this year, as I have been every year. There is something so beautiful and meaningful about each day. Our church celebrates this season so beautifully, capturing the miracle of Jesus' first coming.

December 1-Day 1: The Great Silence
In the beginning was the One who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word. Everything that was created received its life from him, and his life gave light to everyone. The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.
John 1:1 -5

Advent Prayer
Lord, there are times in my life when silence reigns
and the clamor of this world confound my thoughts;
I long for Your voice; for the whisper of Messiah
and I ask, where is the Advent, the coming of the King?

In those moments of silence, my soul longs for You
like the desert deer longs for a life-giving oasis.
And I realize You never left. You were cultivating
my heart through my longing, through the silence.

Father, in the silence, remind me that You never forsake.
Son, in the silence, remind me the Word is never voiceless.
Spirit, in the silence, may You teach me to be still and know.
Blessed Trinity, help me understand Your Advent.

We are starting the first day of the Advent season by doing an activity that Mark and I thought of. We had to think of 25 of them! But it was a lot of fun, and hopefully Christian has a lot of fun too :) Gotta go!


  1. I love those pictures of your little craftsman :) and the prayer you included is beautiful! I just love this season

    1. Yes, it is beautiful! Every night we will read a portion of Scripture and the corresponding Advent prayer to Christian. Tonight it is Genesis 3:14-15.


My Family

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