Thursday, September 6, 2018

Minnie's Food Pantry

I want to talk about an organization that is doing amazing things. I was privileged to be able to serve at Minnie's Food Pantry today through my job, and I am SO glad that I did. They are almost non-government funded and all food, and clothing donations (in addition to everything else) comes straight from volunteers and grocery stores wishing to contribute healthy foods. It's really amazing. Especially when you get to see and meet the people you are serving. Look at them. Converse with them. Put a face and a name with a cause.

I have been hungry before. And, there was a point in my life that I could have been homeless as well, if I hadn't had family. Some people don't have that luxury. Yes, family is a luxury. NOT being hungry is a luxury. Hunger is all consuming. Its all you can think about and worry about where your next meal is coming from. It affects your physical and mental well being.

We all hear about the homeless. We all see them. We see the billboards, we hear the news. But it means nothing if we aren't actually doing anything about it. Even a small contribution is a huge help. One of the quotes that is literally everywhere around Minnie's Pantry comes from Mother Teresa; "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." It REALLY does make a difference.

Check them out here!

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